Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Let's talk about posterior colporrhaphy

Disclaimer: This blog entry contains subject matter that is gross. Consider yourself forewarned.

Dude, nobody mentioned a rectocele as a possible side effect to giving birth vaginally. I debated discussing it on the blog at all until I concluded that the only reason I learned it was a fixable problem was because someone had the female version of cojones to write about it in a magazine. As I sat reading (what I believe was an article from) Brain Child, I realized many of the symptoms the author wrote about, I was experiencing, and they weren't normal side effects of a vaginal birth. More importantly, as previously mentioned, it all could be fixed. So I finally made an appointment with my gynecologist to have it checked out.

Today, I went to OHSU for a small surgery to fix the problem. What is a rectocele exactly? It is "a defect of the rectovaginal septum". Yeah, um, okay. Basically, the wall of muscle and the fascia (tissue) between the posterior part of the vagina and the rectum is torn, stretched or otherwise damaged to the effect that the rectum is no longer kept from pushing into the vagina. GROSS. And frickin' embarrassing. I have had symptoms since Henry was born and was too mortified to mention it to my doctor. Of course, I was also under the mistaken impression it was typical and would rectify itself with enough time. It's not and it didn't. For more information about it, click here.

I didn't immediately choose the surgical option as there are nonsurgical treatments available. Unfortunately, those didn't work for me. So, this morning we dropped Hen off at daycare and headed up to the hospital. Being in the staging area pre-operation made me realize how great some things are with our health care system. I had every confidence in my doctor and was impressed with the care and attention I received. I just wish everyone could have the same experience. My aunt had a job - as a nurse, no less - when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. At some point, she became too sick to work. And that's when she lost her insurance. Frickin' ridiculous.

Eventually, the nurse wheeled me into the operating room where I had a quick chat with the nurse anesthetist. And that's about all I remember until my eyes fluttered open. I don't recall hearing my name, although they told me they would call to me when they saw I was coming out of the anesthesia, I don't remember them removing the tube from my throat. It's weird. Right now, my throat is still sore and, of course, my lady parts are achy but that's to be expected. I have meds on hand to help with the pain. My only real restriction is not lifting anything over 15 pounds for the next six weeks, although I can already tell that's going to be a hard one to maintain. Who can go six weeks without picking up their kid?

On a side note, the doctors and nurses were very curious about Lola the iPad, which I brought for entertainment purposes - and good thing, too, a traffic incident caused the first surgery my doc had scheduled that morning to be pushed back so that mine started about an hour and a half late. I had zero difficulties signing on to the wireless so I was able to check email and catch up on my blog reading. Then I switched over to my Kindle app to start reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book I had bought (currently not available at the iBook store). Okay, I admit it, I also played a little bit of solitaire. Sometimes you just can't resist those games.


Amber said...

(I got an error the first time around... this could be a duplicate.)

You are a good secret keeper! Wish I could help out with some babysitting. Maybe next week? Take good care of those lady parts!

Christie said...

Like I said it's embarrassing. But I got over that and in so doing was able to share with the whole Internet-searching world. Well, at least the folks looking for this kind of info. I appreciate the offer but can only agree to it if you'll consider letting us return the favor so you and Andrew can get out one of these evenings.

Megan said...

You are indeed a good secret keeper! Bravo to you for blogging about it. I don't know about you, but when I blog about my depression related stuff, while I'm embarrassed to just put it all out there, I feel better in the end. I mean, what's the point when it's something that happens (this for you, depression for me) to lots of people?

Anyway, I'm happy to help out with Henry in any way I can. Maybe next Thursday he can come over for a playdate with Avery so you can relax? I can come get him and bring him back.

penny said...

Way to suffer in silence! So glad you have the problem fixed and are on the mend. Henry will do fine not being picked up so be sure and follow the Dr's orders--he runs all the time anyway. If I were there i would babysit for you also.
I read the Potato Peel book a few months ago and loved it. The history about the island was interesting.

Rachele said...

I have another friend who also had the same issue. I don't think she's had the surgery, though.

Does mama need something sweet for recuperation? :)

Christie said...

You guys are so awesome for offering. We're doing okay over here. Darr surprised me with some sweet offerings last night (and Pringles - I LOVE Pringles!) and I bought a half flat of strawberries at New Seasons so we're set here. I just have to whip up a batch of shortcake and we've got the sweet tooth taken care of. And, we've arranged for Hen to be in daycare through the rest of the week. Thanks, though! Yeah, the non-surgical things to try - Kegel exercises, physical therapy, etc. didn't work for me. That might be my fault since I waited so long to seek attention. But I really did think that what I was experiencing was typical. Thank goodness I read that article or it would have continued for probably ever.

Cathy said...

So glad you're on the mend. And good for you for talking about your lady parts in the internet!

Brian said...

Hope the recovery goes well!

Kimberly said...

So I realize this is a year old, but I am have this procedure on Monday. I have to little ones at home too. What was your recovery like. Did you really wait 6 weeks to hold your child? What was the pain like?

I am currently recovering from a surgery I had in January and was less than thrilled to find out I needed this too, but I've been dealing with this since Oct 2009 and can't deal with it anymore.

Christie said...

I know I took my meds on a regular basis so I kept myself from feeling anything super unpleasant for the first two weeks (or thereabouts). The doctor recommended/prescribed the use of laxatives to help with, well, the stuff laxatives help with and that worked well, too. I did not go the full six weeks before picking up my child but I was close to it. Instead, I would bend down to his level for hugs and offer to cuddle if he came and laid down with me on the bed. Good luck! May your surgery go as easy as mine and may you find some relief from your symptoms. Take care.

Kimberly said...

Thank you for replying. You mentioned OHSU so I am assuming you are in Portland. So am I, though my surgery is at St Vincents.

I have a 3 year and a 20 month old and I was counting how many times I still pick up my 20 month and I've already lost count, but I picked up my 3 year twice already today.

How long was it before you felt normal in terms of exercising and just doing normal day to day stuff?

Thanks again for replying back. I am thinking of doing a blog post about this too... would you mind if I linked back to this one?

Christie said...

I am in Portland. It's a great city, isn't it?

It's rather shameful but I am not really exercising right now. (I know. I know.) But I do run after my kid a lot and I would say within two to four weeks I was moving pretty much like normal. I just wasn't lifting anything heavy. I think my doctor said heavy lifting can tear the stitches and basically render the surgery ineffective so there's a pretty big incentive to try really, really hard not to do anything they tell you not to.

Heck yeah, you can link back to me. We'll be posterior-colporrhaphy-blogging sistahs! :) I'm curious to know how you found me? Was it doing a blog search for that or the word "rectocele"? (Awesome words, eh?)

Good luck with the surgery. Oh, and my kid is 3 1/2. If you want to hook up sometime, we're always looking for park buddies to meet.

Take care!

Thanks again for replying back. I am thinking of doing a blog post about this too... would you mind if I linked back to this one?

Kimberly said...

I actually googled "posterior colporrhaphy" and "recovery" because I was tired of reading the same thing about rectocele. And I wanted to read some medical articles about the procedure. I even watched a video of the surgery. I m a one of those who feels better about things the more I can learn about it. I too am a bit embarassed and don't really talk about with many people. But your blog totally inspired me to talk more about it.

What part of town do you live in? We just moved to the west side, actually fairly close to OHSU. We are always looking for park buddies, but after Monday it will be a while before I'm out and about.

Here is my blog

Christie said...

Here's my email: Email me when you're feeling better and we'll hook up. We're over in Sellwood.

Also, if you'd like me to remove the post with your blog link, I can do that.

Kimberly said...

I don't care if people read my blog... it's okay.

I will actually be doing a craft show in Sellwood this weekend. At Naomi's Organic Farm. I love the Sellwood area!

Kimberly said...

Hi, I linked to your blog in my post

I am just now 6 weeks out. Mostly better, still some random pain here and there.

elizabeth said...


I'd like to talk to women who have had rectocle repair ops and like me regret it- why? For 3 years since the op I have had a horrendous sensation on bending/changing posture re driving etc(caused by the fusing of back vaginal and front rectal walls) - the 2 structures can no longer move independently and internal pressures eventually set up to cause more problems/discomfort and pain! The whole pelvic area feels 'unnatural' and vaginal pain is still the around-I am celibate but am sure it would not be a choice - the vagina is sore and reduced also. I'd like to se this surgery re-evaluated and possibly banned.

Anyone experienced similar or total improvement maybe - i'd love to know.


Anonymous said...

I am heading in August for posterier colporrhaphy and pelvical Bilatiral sling. I waited 22yrs to have this problem fixed. I am now at the place that I can no longer keep putting it off. Why did I wait so long ? Well 22 yrs ago the insurance wouldn't cover it, nor did they have the know how as they do now.
I'm nervous going into this, But I have no choice now.
So too you all out there who just discovered that you have this problem. Fix it now while you still have the choice !

Unknown said...

I know this is 3 years old but I had posterior colporrhaphy repair using donor tissue on May 14. I didnt even tell my husband I have having bathroom trouble. I was embarassed. Sex got to where I was so unconfortable he finally asked what was wrong. I have been off work for 5 weeks but for taking it easy I have a 7 year old boy with Down syndrome so not an option. I sneezed on Sunday and have started bleeding again so I will be calling doctor tomorrow.

Christie said...

Dena - Yeah, it's not a real fun discussion to have with anyone but I'm glad to hear you got medical attention. I hope everything is okay with you. Take care-christie