Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cathedral Park

I now know several ladies who have and use DSLR cameras and we've formed a rickety - not always sure when we're going to meet and who's going to be able to show up - photography club so we can get out and practice using our mighty memory-catching machines, most of us on manual mode. (Oh yeah, we're just that good.) Our latest outing brought us to Cathedral Park. I brought the wrong lens because, I swear, the weather at my house was overcast and chilly and the park weather was sunny and mildly warm albeit sort of windy. Anyway, my bad lens choice left me feeling uninspired. Drat. I hate it when that happens. Plus, I was more than a little jealous of Rachele, who was child-free and got to roam around at her leisure. It's much easier to shoot when you aren't spending significant parental resources herding your child around. Although having the kids around did give us something to point the lens at. I still think I caught some okay shots, which you can view here if you're interested.


Megan said...

Perhaps we can work a deal wherein I come along to watch any kids that might be along and in return you all take a few pictures of Avery so that I don't feel like such a loser mom for having little to no interest in the actual picture taking.

Christie said...

Done and done. Also, you're not a loser mom. You take way too much video to be defined as such. :)

Abcdpdx said...

so not shooting in manual mode. but you and Amber will teach me, right? I imagine it just takes practice.

Abcdpdx said...

wow, despite the uninspiring light, etc. you got some really good ones! I have to confess, at the time I was jaded by all the cathedral park photo shoots I've seen, but I like your shots of the bridge, etc! very cool! I'm going to do my best to come to the next one! will always have Anneke with me, though. oh well. she'a cute subject.

Shawn and Becky said...

I am so excited because my lovely husband is getting me one for my birthday in a couple weeks!! Someday maybe I'll join your group!! Those pictures don't look bad to me but guess I don't know any better . . . Yet!

Christie said...

Of course you can! Happy birthday and have fun playing with your camera!

We can but you'd probably have better luck taking one of those how to use your DSLR classes at Newspace Center for Photography. (It's a handy, one day (five hour) class.)

Rachele said...

I'm using manual mode only rarely. I find myself much happier in the A, P, and S modes respectively. I just rarely choose a combination of settings in M that seems to yield better results than what the camera would choose in A, P, or S. I think I just don't have that eye yet. So far, I really use M only in really exceptional situations (mostly unusual lighting -- very contrasty, or where I purposefully want over/under exposed, etc).