Monday, September 13, 2010

Chicken biryani

Can you say spicy? The chicken biryani recipe I used only calls for two jalapeño chiles but that is more than enough for me, especially since I'm not a sauce person. I did "use" the sauce, sort of, by slightly almost nearly dipping my rice and chicken into it before taking a bite but Darr said the amount that was ending up on my fork did little to nothing to actually help reduce the painfully hot searing spicy bite. (It wasn't that bad, the sauce or the spice but I'm feeling overly dramatic.) Darr liked the dish and I enjoyed it enough to place it in the Definitely Make It Again file. Looks like we're now cooking Indian cuisine at the condo.

Note: Hen ate the chicken but we replaced his rice with some leftover rice from last week. He would not have enjoyed the spicy rice and he's not much of a dipper when it comes to sauces. I wonder where he gets that from?

Second note: One should never, ever swipe one's fingers into or around the general eye area after cutting chiles. MY EYES! MY EYES! THEY ARE ON FIRE! (Apparently the oil lasts through numerous hand washings. Bastard chiles.)

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