Monday, October 04, 2010

Book forty-nine: Chasing Fire by Suzanne Collins

A fine sequel if ever there was one. I can't help but (sorry, world) compare this to the Twilight series. One understated but extremely sought after girl has feelings she can't quite reconcile for two different boys (men? at least one of 'em is 18). There's the danger element - in Twilight it's the bad vampires, in Catching Fire, it's the Capitol. There's class warfare. There's rebellion. There's politics. There's, well, they have a lot in common, which sort of reminds me of my one friend who argued every story has already been told, it's just the details that change. Perhaps he's right. But that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying this read, so much so I already purchased the Kindle version of the third and final book. Dang thing wasn't available at the Apple store, although that's probably a good thing because I'm sure it would have cost more. Once I'm done with this, I have an unread-before-by-me Hemingway piece I'm going to dive into. I loves me some Hemingway. Hemingway is good. The good Hemingway can be appreciated by me and others. It's Hemingway. Hee hee. Seriously. Good times.

26 down, plus 23.


Amber said...

Can you read Kindle books on your iPad? Or do you also have a Kindle? Smart move to buy it because I've hit a wall with HG books and didn't even pick up Mockingjay this weekend. It's good, just had better things to do. :)

Christie said...

Sorry to hear about the wall but I'm glad you didn't't write, "Doh. I just finished it, suckah!" When you're ready to read the last book, you can borrow my copy, and read it on Lola if you want. (I have the Kindle app. The interface is similar but not as cool as the books you can get and read from the Apple bookstore.)