Saturday, January 14, 2012

House projects

When I review the list of things I wanted to accomplish last year I start feeling pretty bad. About half of the things listed I didn't really even think about after writing them down. But then I think about the things I did do and, while I might not have been as productive as I had hoped to be, I did manage to get some things done and others started. I'm not going to waste time beating myself up about the rest. The largest project* was having all of our flooring replaced. Unfortunately, we are still having buckling issues with the bamboo. They have attempted to fix it once before, the floor guy just missed the second appointment to come out and see the new problem areas, and I fear they may have to replace the bamboo. All of it. Yuck.

I started decorating the living room but this action item was placed on hold because there were quality control issues with the shelving we selected and they won't ship to us - this is a good thing, I realize - until they work them out. The expected ship date is later this month. I did, however, paint the wall in the living room, order art, and buy a couch. As for the laundry room, not only did I rearrange it, we replaced the flooring in there, painted it, and installed new shelving.

Other things completed include:
  • hiring a handyman to fix our doors
  • researching feasibility of converting regular cabinets to pull out cabinets (It can be done to a few of them!)
  • donating stuff we have no use for

Looking ahead, the leftover projects from last year I'll carry forward to 2012, and hopefully have better luck completing, are as follows:
  • buy a new bed frame (and possibly headboard, although if I can figure out the logistics, I might try to make this)
  • tag all the wires (this requires Darr's help)
  • spackle the walls (and retouch paint)
  • paint the base trim in all the rooms

Last, but certainly not least, we have the new projects for 2012:
  • decorate bedroom 
  • remove ring o' crap in the bedroom (finally)
  • file old paperwork
  • clean front room closet
  • donate stuff we no longer use

*This wasn't even a project on the list.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Never-ending projects. Gotta love home ownership!