Saturday, January 07, 2012

The Mexico! 2012 prep is underway

It's not all that surprising that when we took our Moms Only trip down to the Mexico! last year, we thought it a splendid idea to make the trip an annual event. What is sort of surprising is that we actually managed to make it happen again. In less than two months, four of the original five* will be heading south to the lovely casa by the sea. Ahhh... I do believe Amber and I have made an agreement to do more drinking this trip. So, yay! (What say you, Amber? Do we have a gentlewomen's agreement? Do we? Do we? Also, Stacey, you want in on this or what?)

This trip is even more awesome because I'm going to stay with Megan on the day everyone else returns home, and Damian - that brave, brave man - will fly down to join us for the week with both Avery and Monsieur Henry! Yeah, you read that right. He's going to fly down with the kids by himself. The only sort of hiccup we can see is the possibility that Hen might have a teeny bit of a freak out when it comes time to leave Darr and go with Damian at the airport. But we figure we can mitigate the severity of any such incident with the use of technology - thank you in advance Skype (and other Skype-like products). It's really hard to imagine that our kid, who is so in love with sea creatures, isn't going to be super excited about 1. flying on a plane, 2. flying on a plane to the Mexico! where there are sea creatures, and C) flying on a plane to the Mexico! where there are sea creatures and his mama.

As far as prep goes, thanks to his swimming lessons, Hen now has both goggles and ear plugs. He also has his shorts and, well, other than a bucket and shovel, that's all he really needs to vacation in the Mexico! Although I am also on the lookout for a new pair of sandals for him. For me, I just need my camera and to get the travel authorization letter written, signed, and notarized. And for Darr, I should probably plan a few activities so he has something to do with Hen while I'm gone.

*Sadly, Rachele opted out of the trip this year, but who can blame her. Cute baby at home. Cute baby!


Dr. A said...

How exciting!!!! Logistical question: what do you need to do to let Hen on a plane with a non-parent for an international flight? That boy's passport must be getting full by now!

Snickollet said...

OK, in theory I'm totally in on the more drinking plan, but I can't really think about it too much right now because of how, um, how shall I say it? OVERINDULGED I am still feeling from my party on Saturday. Whoa, Nellie, that was a once in a decade experience for sure. You'll be pleased (?) to know that the only thing I was able to eat yesterday was one of those gorgeous cupcakes you brought me, so thanks!

Can't wait for The Mexico!!!