Friday, February 10, 2012

Book five: Room by Emma Donoghue

Written from the perspective of a five-year old child, this is a story about a boy and his mother who live in a room and are dependent on the generosity of the Old Man who occasionally comes bearing Sundaytreats and essentials. The monotony of their days is recorded in great detail by the little boy. The mother is still breast feeding her son (gasp!). It seems the one constant over which she has any control. When the man is angered, the woman and child are left with no heat and dwindling supplies. It is this event which triggers action from the mother. It is also when the disturbing elements of the story are revealed to the reader.

5 down plus 47 to go.


Megan said...

Did you like the book? My mom read this recently and had a tough time getting through some parts of it. My SIL (the British SIL, not the American one) read it, as well, and loved it. You give it how many stars?

Christie said...

I appreciate the effort by the author, but I grew tired of reading the five year old's thoughts. (This could be because I listen to a chattering four-year old all day.) The subject matter is upsetting. It got better once more was explained and a plan was put in place. The last third of the book (or so) was the best by far. Using my previous rating system ( I'd give it a 3.25-3.5 rating.