Thursday, February 02, 2012

Knitting: Two socks at a time

I am knitting two socks at a time, ladies and gentlemen! Two socks! This is awesome for one very huge and important reason, when you're done knitting one sock, you're pretty much done with the second too. In tonight's class we learned Judy's magic cast-on, which is magical indeed. And we started (from the toe) to increase to our predetermined size. That there is a formula is also awesome because it means after you check your gauge and measure your foot, you can pretty much knit any size sock with any type yarn. For you non-knitters this doesn't mean squat. You're probably yawning while simultaneously wondering why on Earth you're still reading this frackin' post. But for those of you who do knit, seriously - how cool is that formula? I have already purchased my second skein of yarn for the second pair I plan on starting as soon as I get to the appropriate stopping point on this first pair. (That would be when it is time to start the heel. We learn how to do that in the next class in two weeks.) As explained to Megan earlier today, this pair of socks will end up being - when you factor in things like the cost of the class, yarn, and needles - the most expensive pair of socks I've ever owned. So you shouldn't be surprised if I kick off the old shoes and show them to you once they are done. Feel free to ooh and aah.


Rachele said...


Christie said...

They are teaching the same class next month should you feel so inclined.

Rachele said...

The funny thing is I would have totally taken it with you if I had known it was the two-at-a-time class. Well, I would have tried to, at least. I thought it was just a basic sock class so I didn't seriously consider it. :(

Dr. A said...

OK, what weight are you using? Lace? Fingering? And what size needles? And are you using two skeins at once?

I'm getting most of my knitting tips/hints/tricks straight from Ravelry. They have very helpful people online. A class sounds lovely!

Christie said...

Rachele - That was my bad. I think you even asked about it and I thought it was one sock at a time but it turned out to be two. Sorry. I highly recommend the class, though. I can always come and just sit in the room with you and work on another pair if you want.

Dr. A - Sport weigh, size 2 circular needles (47"), one skein (they divide the roll for you using a kitchen scale). I figured socks might require a little more assistance than I could find and understand online. Once you get going on the toe, it is okay but that initial part was tricky.

Megan said...

Yahoo! Can't wait to see them!