Sunday, February 19, 2012

Month fifty-two

Dear Henry,

You wrote part of your name, Bean! Up to this point, writing has been one area that you have not shown much interest in. But you did it! Over 20 times because I made you sign all of the Valentine's Day cards we made for your classmates, family, and friends. I do the same thing with your papa and our Christmas cards, although it is not nearly as impressive when your pops writes his name because he's been writing his name for ages. Also, I sort of think your penmanship is better than his. But, shhh, don't tell your papa. Or, as you'd say, "papa will never know."

Early this past month, I looked outside and was caught off-guard by how bright it looked considering the late hour, and then I saw one flake fall and another and noticed it was bright because our outside lights were reflecting off all of the snow that had accumulated. Of course, being the responsible parents that we are, we quickly decided it was necessary to not only wake you up to see said snow, but to wake you up and bundle you in warm clothes so we could take you outside to play in said snow. Sometimes you just have to take advantage of an opportunity no matter when - say, midnight, perhaps? - it presents itself. You had a blast and we had fun with you. We threw a couple snowballs, built one very small snowman, made fresh tracks, and ran from invisible monsters and cops for over an hour before heading back inside to warm ourselves up with cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows. I hope we can do that loads more. Your little rosy cheeks and pure joy at doing the unexpected are not something I ever want to forget.

Thanks to the help of a newfound interest in Little Legos (little meaning the regular Legos not the Duplo Legos made for smaller kids) your fine motor skills are through the roof! It doesn't hurt that your mama is quite taken with the very cool sets you can now buy. We should amass a collection worthy of envy by the time you leave the nest. I still find it a touch difficult to fully engage in the type of play that you seem to crave. Often you want to remove the Lego people from the action and just play with the tow truck and cars. Without that human element I'm uncertain what to do. My favorite is when you show me that, "see, the car goes back and forth like this". And the boat <insert your boat motor sound here> moves "like this through the water, right?"

We have also spent a lot of time preparing for our trip to the Mexico! That's right, we're going back, again. You are very excited. I imagine we will spend a great deal of our time at the beach looking for seashells and sea creatures and, hopefully, if we're lucky, some sea creatures living in seashells. Part of our preparation included buying you some new summer-friendly sandals. Since the old sandals you outgrew don't come in a larger size, we had to go elsewhere. That's how we ended up with Croc sandals that change color in the sun. It took us awhile to see this in action - it's still winter so there isn't a lot of sun to be found - but it was well worth the wait. They do, indeed, change color and the crocodile pattern that emerges when the rays of the sun hit the material is awesome. You kept walking bent over so you could watch your feet for changes. The difference in this trip, of course, is that you won't be flying down with me. I'm going a few days earlier for our annual girls weekend, and you are flying down with your friend, Avery, and her papa a couple days later. Here's hoping that goes smoothly, eh?

It cracks me up how you incorporate certain phrases we use with you all the time into your conversations. You did this before with the words "options" and "choices" and the latest one is "plan". Because you often ask why we are doing something, I'm often telling you it's because we made plans to do whatever it is we are doing at the time. Or I'll say that the plan for the day is cleaning, then play, then lunch, etc. About a week ago you asked to watch the iPad. We are still limiting how much time you spend in front of the boob tube so I responded with "Not right now, honey." To which you replied, "But I already had a plan to do that." Hilarious. Yes, you did. Unfortunately, mama wins on these types of plans, kiddo.

You make jokes, or rather you'll say something that makes me question your honesty and then you'll tell me you were just joking. You want to race all the time (still) and you continue to abhor losing. You have fallen asleep in my arms two times in the past month while your pops and I talked about our days at the dinner table. You hit your head and the ensuing vomit spree landed you in the E.R. where you had a CT scan and the doc said you had a concussion. A week later you nicked your forehead after you fell while trying to reach a book on a high shelf. I had to come and collect you from school twice because your sleeping troubles make you a difficult person to handle during the day. But you are kind and adorable, even with the awful haircut the lady gave you, and you are engaged and entertaining and we couldn't love you anymore than we do. Now, let's go buy some more Legos! Papa will never know.


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