I can see why
Amber gave this book such a raving review. It's fantastic. I have already started recommending it to my child-free friends. Lamott is brutally honest and it is refreshing to read someone who thinks her kid is a turd one second and can't help loving his big baby eyes the next. Parenthood is a roller coaster ride and Lamott does an excellent job sharing her ride with readers.
"I remember my friend Nora saying once that she was seriously considering suicide, but she wanted to lose five pounds first."
"I had these fears late at night when I was pregnant that I wouldn't be able to really love him, that half the time I'd feel about him like he was a Pet Rock and half the time I'd be wishing I never had him. So there must have been some kind of a miracle. I never ever wish I hadn't had him."
"I think we're all pretty crazy on this bus. I'm not sure I know anyone who's got all the dots on his or her dice."
"I wish he could take longer naps in the afternoon...sometimes only twenty minutes later he wakes up and begins to make his gritchy rodent noises, scanning the room wildly. I look blearily over at him in the bassinet, and think, with great hostility, Oh, God, he's raising his loathsome reptilian head again."
"Sam is really handsome, with those huge moonbeam eyes and porno lips, but after bad nights I look at him with fear, as if when all his hair falls out, we might see sixes tattooed all over his head."
18 down plus 34 to go.
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