Saturday, June 09, 2012

Science Fun and Experiment #1 - Build your own volcano

Turns out you can totally do this with two-year old Play-Doh so long as it isn't entirely dried out. We used Dixie cups we purchased for the marshmallow shooter*, and had to substitute yellow and green food coloring for red. We ended up using the entire bottle of vinegar and all of the baking soda making the volcano explode again and again and again and then one more time and again. It was definitely an entertaining way to spend half an hour. Here's a look at our science fun...

Adding the baking soda

Dropping in the food color

Vinegar! (Hen thought it was water until he smelled it)

Hot lava!

It kept on coming

*The Dixie cups were a miserable failure as marshmallow shooters, they were too flimsy and would bend when we put the rubber band on. Tripling up solved this problem but created a new one. We tried a harder plastic cup next. It was a major improvement but the balloons we had were too tight and would eventually slip off. What finally worked? Empty toilet paper rolls.

1 comment:

Miss Amelia Jane. said...

Ameli brought home a kit from school and we did this 2 weeks ago. Fun!