Friday, June 29, 2012

A surprise package for Henry Finn

When we came home the other day to find a package at the door with Hen's name on it there was one very extremely excited little youngster at the condo. In this respect, Hen absolutely takes after his mama. This kid loves a present. He hasn't yet learned how to be gracious if the item isn't a toy but that wasn't a concern because as Hen discovered when opening the package - this took a very long time thanks to's rather rigorous bow tying - it was LEGOs! The only other gift ideas Hen asks me to add to his birthday/Christmas lists more than LEGOs are a "real octopus and colossal squid". (Darr found this guy, which we'll likely get him for his room makeover that recently started with the purchase of bunk beds.) Mila and Nica, you completely made Hen's day and inadvertently gave me an idea for a new tradition, a "have a fantastic summer" gift. Of course there were pictures...

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d- I remembered to add the link for you!

1 comment:

Anya said...

Man, that's Amazon's idea of a gift wrap? Argh... We are super happy that Henry liked the set. Have fun!