Friday, November 16, 2012

Santa stranger danger

Oh dear. I found a post that equated putting a reluctant child in Santa's lap to abuse. I assume that the person writing it has never been abused to make such a ridiculous claim.


B. E. Busby said...

Erm, although I see the terms, "anxiety" and "unfair" used in the photo's caption, I do not see an allegation of "abuse" and certainly not the kind to which I believe you allude.

I can relate a bit: when I was young, my father arranged for me to be in the front row at the circus and the late great Emmett Kelly (see: ) motioned for me to rise from my seat, dusted the seat and sat me back down. Even though I was next to my mother, this scared the beJeezus out of me... I still find close-up clowns creepy.

That said, I did not consider that event abusive, just a strong and unexpected dose of anxiety.

Christie said...

My bad, I didn't post the link to the actual post. And I can't seem to figure out how to do it since it won't give me the url for it when I click on the post. It's on this site: - No Santa Photos, please! written on Nov. 5, 2012.

To be fair, the author of the piece does concede that most likely the parents taking their kids to see Santa do, in fact, love their children. [She typed with sarcasm.]

B. E. Busby said...

It looks like your source copied this whole treatise verbatim from here:
Something out of the Land Down Under, it would seem.

The author starts with this:

"Disclaimer: I don’t like Christmas. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I hate the pressure and the expectations. So my view here might be biased. Also, I am an abuse survivor. My view is *definitely* influenced by that."

MIGHT be biased? Hmph.

Abcdpdx said...

oh, I love our Santa terror pics, and you know my credentials. seriously, personal preference, people. big picture of child and family's life together! moving on!