Tuesday, April 02, 2013

First attempt at a time-lapse(ish) video

Hen's preschool class has these very light building blocks that the kids have taken to stacking, with Teacher Amy's help, until they exhaust the supply of blocks. The resulting structure is so high that Amy has to stand on a step-ladder to complete it. A few weeks ago when I was parent-helping I managed to capture the building of said structure right until the near moment of collapse. I got distracted by Miss Ruby, who was making the most fantastic faces (exhibit A), and missed it when they came tumbling down.
exhibit A

Fast forward to yesterday, the kids began building again and this time I kept my focus (à la Master Frenel). I put the camera on continuous and kept my finger on the trigger*. Once I got home and downloaded the files I had more than enough shots to make my first very own time-lapse(ish) video. I might have found a new hobby. Note, Teacher Amy had the kids try to bring it down by creating an earthquake, their tiny bodies couldn't create enough ground vibrations, by blowing on it (think Three Little Pigs), their tiny mouths didn't have enough huff and puff to 'em, and by doing jumping jacks nearby, which had a few kids nearly collide with the structure but their bodies and arms flapping didn't shake the ground or produce enough wind to cause it to fall. What did work? Check it out. Teacher Amy's a genius and had the attention of the whole class for a fair chunk of time.

One most awesome preschool moment from Christie Glynn on Vimeo.

*I don't know if my camera can be set up to do time lapse photography or how to set it up if that is a feature so I had to keep pressing.

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