Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hen and a dog named Abbie Myrtle

We are watching Abbie Myrtle this week while her family is vacationing in the Virgin Islands. Absaronius is a super cute dog. She is extremely interested in our cats. She is extremely interested in our dog. She is extremely interested in everything in the condo. She is extremely interested in joining us in the bedroom. She is extremely interested in going outside, staying inside, visiting the patio, sniffing the recycling. She is a dog with a lot of interests. 

Today, the weather was so fantastically awesome we decided to take Abs to one of the fenced dog parks in Lake O. We loaded her into the Mini and headed out. She was fantastic! Easily distracted, perhaps, but fantastic. We stayed for over two hours - she ran after the ball, she ran after the other dogs, the other dogs ran after her, and Hen chased them all around. Abbie did quite well playing with an Italian Greyhound mix that showed up but that only lasted for about five minutes before Abbie was wore out. Man, are those I.G.s ever fast. Anyway, The little pup got a good workout and ended up falling asleep in the car on the way home.

1 comment:

Darren said...
