Saturday, April 20, 2013

School tally update #4

I went ahead and submitted a School Choice application for Henry to see if I could get him into one of the public schools where several of his current classmates might fall should they not get into their first choices for schools. Anyway, letters apparently were sent out earlier this week and ours arrived today. Hen has been waitlisted at Glencoe but was "not approved" for Duniway or Winterhaven. I'm hearing a lot of disappointment from families we know.


Amber said...

Same here. Lots of sad 5th graders out there. :(

Abcdpdx said...

I'm curious--what's not appealing about your neighborhood school? (that question sounds loaded, but I promise I don't mean it to be!)--I know it's close to Duniway, so how is it different?

when I interned at Buckman the pressure to get into the right Middle School was HORRIBLE. 10-year-olds do not need this stress!

good luck! I know Henry will thrive just about anywhere he goes! but you want to feel as good as you can about his school placement.

Shawn and Becky said...

I'm thankful I have another year before Cameron heads to school, but we'll be doing the same school choice. But I do wonder sometimes if the 'bad' schools get a worse ratings than they really should. The one in our neighborhood might. Only time will tell.