Monday, May 06, 2013

The Modern Man

Turns out if you give Hen a choice between play and haircut, he'll choose play every time. I finally broke down and took him in anyway, the morning tangle trauma was starting to negatively affect our relationship.

We went to The Modern Man, a dark wood and leather establishment, where older clientele are offered whiskey and cigars and can peruse Maxim while they are attended to. Hen was offered and declined root beer. He didn't notice the magazines.

Bean went from this a few weeks ago...

To this...

To be completely thorough, I took a couple more photographs of the event. You can never have too many, right?


Snickollet said...

Haircut looks great (although Hen always looks great). Love that you took him to Modern Man. I think Riley would love that place--might have to take him there next time instead of the nightmare of a kids' salon we usually go to.

B. E. Busby said...

Betty & I have been noticing among the San Francisco groomnoscenti® that the studied disheveled look is aces.

A recent study shows one aspect of this "movement" is incomprehensibly attractive: