Monday, November 18, 2013

Finally doing something with Hen's silhouette

Years ago Hen and I traveled with Sister-in-law Megan and Miss Mia to Goodnight Room at Bridgeport Village to meet with a paper and scissors artist extraordinaire to get silhouettes done of the kids. Today, I finally got around to doing something with said silhouette. I am happy with the end result. It cost me nothing out of pocket since I used an old frame and a sheet of scrapbook paper purchased back when I used to do things like scrapbook. Although, even if I had bought the stuff for this project, it wouldn't have cost much - we're talking about an IKEA Ribba frame ($4.99) and a sheet of 12"x12" scrapbook paper ($1.00). My favorite part is the littlest cut the guy made for Hen's eyelashes. 

For anyone wanting to do the same, let not the perceived difficulty deter you from action. (I have been watching too much Reign.) A little Mod Podge Rocks! is all you need to fasten the paper to the matte.

1 comment:

Megan-the sister in law said...

Love this idea-I think I'll "borrow" it for my 2 silhouettes!