Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Book forty-four: Once Upon a Winter's Heart by Melody Carlson

The title pretty much sums up the ridiculousness of this book. It is another Harlequin-esque book. Why am I reading these?

Emma's poppi (i.e. Italian grandfather) has passed away. His once capable wife, nona (i.e. Italian grandmother), is now in need of all sorts of care so Emma quits her dead-end marketing job and heads to the small town in which nona lives. At the same time, Emma's mother, who is on the rocks with her husband (Emma's father), also moves to nona's. They are there to take care of nona but they quickly become so embroiled in their own lives nona is treated like an afterthought. (Don't worry, nona's fine.)

Anyway, Emma immediately meets an interesting man who is dating…

dum dum DUM!

her sister.

That's right. This perfect man for her is already coupled with her sister… or is he?

You can probably guess how everything works out.

44 down plus 8 to go.

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