Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sleepover 2016, Elliot edition

This is a copy of the email I sent to Elliot's parents, Amy and Christian, when he spent the night last Saturday.
Good evening. 

Here's what the two yutes have done so far…

1. played two-touch ball in the hallway
2. made ice cream
3. made props for movie trailer
4. fake woke up with raptor claws 
5. discovered there was a bomb threatening the city*
6. used their enhanced raptor powers to track down bomb and save city
7. returned home (we were fortunate to catch most of that on film, thank goodness)
8. changed into warm, dry clothes
7. started watching Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

For dinner the boys are having oven roasted salmon with fried potatoes and corn.

So far, so good. :)

Elliot is a great kid. Thanks for trusting us with him. 

take care-christie & darren

*For any government surveillance alarms that may have been kicked off by the use of the word "bomb", don't worry. No real bombs are or were threatening the city. Two eight-year olds wanted to make a movie trailer where they save the city with their raptor powers. 

The boys went to bed around 10pm, woke up around 5am, and spent their morning together playing Minecraft and eating pancakes. Plus, we were able to view the new trailer for yet one more movie Hen hopes to make someday with his friends. Of course, I've got that right here for posterity's sake...

Raptor Boys movie trailer from Christie Glynn on Vimeo.

Methinks fun was had by all.

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