Friday, October 11, 2019

Photography fun: 70-200mm/2.8 lens

I rented a lens for the cross country meet and soccer matches we have this week and weekend so I can (hopefully) get some closer shots of the kid and his teammates. The cross country meet was great, and I managed to get a very fun shot of Henry's hair doing its thing on the course, and last night I took it to Hen's soccer practice. It's a beast of a lens to lug around but I'm happy with the shots. The ability to zoom in to get closer to the athletes is really awesome when what you work with most days is a 50mm portrait lens.
Have a little hair with your run.

Our Goalie - Before

Our Goalie - After
I think the original shot is fine as is but I really like the edited version, too. Things done include increasing the contrast, changing the white balance, upping the highlights and clarity, and adding vignette. There could be more but that's all I can remember. Oh, wait, I think I also messed with the noise a bit.

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