Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ape Caves, hike #3

I wanted to take Hen to the beach yesterday but since rain was expected at Lincoln City, Cannon Beach, and Seaside - the three beaches I'm most likely to visit - I came up with a new plan. We headed north to visit the Ape Caves at Mount St. Helens. Hen was super brave. I read before leaving that you should bring warm clothes, the cave's temperature stays around 40˚ Fahrenheit, and two flashlights per person. We had one flashlight per person but we did bring batteries. That we left in the car. Whoops.

Heading in, Hen was excited he could "make smoke" by exhaling. We spent a good six minutes near the entrance so he could make smoke over and over again. Then we headed in. We spent a good hour in the cave and nearly made it to the end. Some older kids ahead of us were making weird noises that scared the bejesus out of Hen. Shortly after I suggested we turn out the flashlights to see how dark it would be, Hen decided it was time to head back. Of course, there were pictures...

You can see the rest of the photos taken here.

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