Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Book twenty-three: The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks

Well, I read the book. I had a very good idea exactly what was going to happen from pretty much the get-go. It reminds me of all the Danielle Steele books I read in junior high.

23 down plus 29 to go.


Dr. A said...

29? I missed the goal-revision post. How was this number settled on?

Oh, I've read 1 book this year. 1. And it was a How-To-Raise-A-Normal-Child book. So you're doing awesome in my book!

Christie said...

I started this two year's ago, deciding my goal was to read 52 books a year. The first year I made it. The second year, I did not. The goal hasn't changed but I'm guessing I'll do better than last year but not hit my 52 in a year target. We'll see.

Was that book any good? Do you feel more confident in your child-rearing capabilities having read it?