Saturday, August 11, 2012

I like my bike

I went for a lovely ride today.  (My route at google maps, if you're interested.)  Four hours out and back, including a couple of rests. 50 miles.

(50/4 = 12.5 mph -- I ride at an average pace.)

The hardest part is the climb from Troutdale (elevation 73 feet) to Corbett (elevation 2100 feet) over about 7 miles.  I would say most of the climb is the last 4 miles.

Still, I was pretty happy with myself b/c at the top I felt good (and by "top" I mean where I decided I'd had quite enough, thank you very much.) I was that full-of-energy tired.  Far enough was far enough though and I headed down hill.

The ride down was fun, I'll tell you that.  I don't normally enjoy super-speed but the road was clear, I felt I'd earned it and would be surprised if I dipped much below 40mph.

So yeah.  A nice bike.  If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.

(It's a Cannondale R1000; $2000 when I bought it 10 years ago for a 200 miler from Seattle to Portland -- Rick, was it really that long ago?)


HoratioSeattle said...

Dude, you just suddenly made me feel really old and really, REALLY out of shape... which granted, I am.

Christie said...

I would like to go down those hills but up them, no thanks.