Monday, September 10, 2012

School lunches: Homemade ramen noodles

With Hen's official school lunches about to start in a couple weeks and a possible nut ban to boot, I have to come up with more creative lunch ideas. Enter Annabel Karmel's Lunch Boxes and Snacks. Homemade ramen noodles is super easy to make. The recipe says 6oz is 2 servings but this produced way more than Hen could eat on his own in two days. We will all have it for dinner tonight and there will still be leftovers. I forgot to cook the chicken so it wasn't added, which would only slightly alter the flavor and shouldn't cause too much fuss. Hen does like his protein. But I purposefully left out the scallions as Hen isn't a huge fan of onions. The ingredients include noodles, corn, peas, soy sauce, cornstarch, chicken broth. We stopped at an Asian market to grab the noodles, although in a pinch, I'm sure a pasta like vermicelli would suffice. Next up, chicken finger balls.


Darren said...


Rachele said...

You made this in mex?

Christie said...

Rachele - Right before.

Shawn and Becky said...

I'm confused . . . are you in Disneyland, Mexico or at home?! I love ramen noodles - the 10 cent plan is my guilty pleasure I buy for myself one a year :) Yours sound much much better!

Christie said...

Becky - The ramen was made before we left. We went to Disneyland before heading to Mexico, where we are currently at.