Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Things accomplished today

  1. seven loads of laundry
  2. unloading and reloading dishwasher
  3. washing dishes you can't load into the dishwasher
  4. bake banana bread
  5. Costco - for groceries and Christmas shopping
  6. quick trip to Sherwood - to drop off banana bread, card, and small gift for Darr's dad
  7. stop at Washington Square - to buy birthday gift for niece
  8. check out new toy store in Sellwood (it's awesome!)
  9. return books to library and check out new books
  10. clean litter box
  11. strip beds 
  12. make beds with clean sheets
  13. wrap and package gifts to be sent out of state
  14. catch up on blogging
  15. wash Hen's hair
  16. put away clean clothes
  17. cook dinner


Dr. A said...

Wow. That's a lot. But I didn't see "bubble bath with glass of wine" on there. . . .

Megan said...

That's my list for all of 2012.