Sunday, November 11, 2012

Downton Abbey

You are sucking me in. And I just started the series three minutes ago.

UPDATE: 2:12p.m. I love this show. Ahh, Lady Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham: "What is a weekend?" Hee hee.

SECOND UPDATE: 8:46P.M. "Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything worse than losing one's maid?" <and a few minutes later> "If you take Matthew now, when his whole future is at risk, he will love you to the end of his days." "Why, granny, you're a romantic." "I've been called many things but never that."


Rachele said...

Welcome welcome!

Lori said...

My boss lived in the UK until a few months ago so he already has access to the next season via a UK iTunes account. It's so annoying. :)