Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sewing: Ninja shorts

Because Hen is really into ninja lately and because Fabric Depot was having a sale and because a preschool friend visited the condo and entertained Hen, I was able to make a pair of ninja shorts this afternoon. I used a toddler size 2 pattern. The shorts could be a touch longer but there is definitely more than enough room for this kid to maneuver comfortably, as evidenced by his choice of the butt stance to show off the his new duds.


Rachele said...

I posted a comment on each of your four recent craft posts and none of them are showing up! This is the sum of it all:

1) I love everything
2) That scarf is so awesome. Don't let it go. It can be your Timbers scarf! All the lace knitting you did for that is WAY WAY harder than cabling. Seriously.
3) What pattern did you use for the shorts?

Christie said...

I've had a rash of spam comments so your comments might have gotten lumped in with them when I did the Big Delete of 2013.

My mom gave me a bunch of old ("vintage") Simplicity patterns and I used the pieces to cut out the fabric but didn't have the actual write up of how to put it all together so I followed this tutorial I found online: