Friday, August 09, 2013

Totally Irresponsible Science: The Sandwich-Bag Bomb

The directions for this experiment stated there could be a mess so we gathered all the necessary items - baking soda, vinegar, warm water, paper towels, and sealable plastic bags - and took them outside. If there's going to be a mess, I'd rather have it all over the sidewalk than all over my kitchen. It was wildly successful but finding a couple bags without holes proved quite difficult (next time I shall buy Ziploc, Western Family). Also, the book mentions a 2 - 5 hour window for time. I'm guessing they are assuming that after you do it once, your kid will want to do it again and again and again and again and five more times because in actuality just going through it once took about five minutes.

On a side note, with all the government spying going on I'm curious to see if the use of the word "bomb" will draw any attention. Will government agents come to my house? Will they want to know if I have a pressure cooker?

things you'll need

that's baking soda, that is



preparing for the drop

do step 6 quickly, particularly the seal part

a reaction happens

it continues to happen

the satisfying pop let's you know when you're done

1 comment:

Shawn and Becky said...

Think I will be buying this book!