Hen was griping because his Fitbit had been plugged in for two days and it wasn't holding its charge so I asked him if it was plugged in correctly. Which, I get it, is only going to tick him off because what kind of idiot can't plug something in and yet... Darren followed Hen into the bedroom and showed him an online explanation of Occam's Razor. Then Darr came back out while I continued making breakfast. About three minutes later I heard Hen complain about not understanding Occam's Razor because, and this is the important part, it doesn't make any sense for the Wikipedia page to have several different spellings of Occam. This has completely tripped Henry up from taking anything away from his papa's lesson.
Me, out in the kitchen (a.k.a. the cheap seats): Maybe we should show Hen the definition of irony.
Sometimes life at the condo is humorous.
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