Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Airline Miles Redemption, Part I

The journey to redeem Darr's airline miles began last night when I made my first call to Alaska Airlines. I had a lovely conversation with the lady at the other end of the line, but ultimately this yielded nothing after 20-25 minutes on the phone, not including the hold time before I reached a person. I'm convinced I can persevere and get the vacation we deserve given the amount of money Darren has spent on travel the last few years. We've got a few different dates and a couple locations in mind so it is not as if we are being totally rigid and expecting the airline to bend over backward for us. Here's the breakdown:

Possible vacation spots include: New Zealand or Italy and Prague
Possible vacation dates include: 9-25 September and 17 December-3 January (dates chosen to work around Darr's school schedule)

I've decided to chronicle this process on the blog because, well, I'm sure it will be laborious and taxing and stressful, particularly after I reach my breaking point (I estimate this will happen around the sixth or seventh phone call) and this is a good way to alleviate the pressure. For the first attempt I was polite, jocular, and friendly. While the lady seemed to appreciate my positive attitude, I still got the "no" answer. Darr, in the background, was there to mention that this is what the Capital One "No" commercials with David Spade are all about - saying "no" to whatever request is made. I'm hoping this is not the case.

The second call is scheduled for next week. To be continued...

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