Monday, January 09, 2006

The Opposite of Peace

The tagline at Chuck E. Cheese's is "Where a kid can be a kid." What the clever advertising folks fail to mention is that it is also where an adult will take a fork and shove it directly into his or her eyesocket.

Darren and I ventured to Mr. Cheese's for the first time last Saturday to celebrate my nephew's third birthday (Happy Birthday, Jackson!). Saying we were unprepared doesn't quite capture the moment or explain the horror that met us upon entering the facility. The whole place is like one of those video games that gives kids seizures. There is a veritable smorgasbord of activities, which is appreciated as it is obviously a place for kids, but it sucks just a little if you aren't a kid. As dinks, Darren and I were left to sit shellshocked in a booth until we achieved a level of numbness that made interaction with other humans possible. Darren was too befuddled to find and purchase the alcoholic beverages we heard were available and that he set off in pursuit of shortly after our arrival. That being said, we did have a good time. Jackson is adorable and was all too happy to chow on some pizza, tear into his presents, and eat cake. It would be remiss of me to sign off without relaying the wisdom I gained from this experience so here goes:

1. Never host a party for your kid at Chuck E. Cheese's.
2. Never drag childless people to a party you decide to host at Chuck E. Cheese's.
3. If you do host a party at Chuck E. Cheese's and you do invite your childless friends, do not let them arrive until they take sedatives or drink alcoholic beverages.

To be fair, though, the employees at Mr. Cheese's were awesome - polite, attentive, and friendly. They deserve many kudos for their hard work.

Here are some pics of my nephew's birthday party - isn't he adorable?!

Nothing like cake with sugary icing an inch thick.

Say "pizza"!

Woohoo! Gifts!

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