Monday, March 20, 2006

Contest Winner (True = funny)

Dave over at Kermit the Blog recently held another caption contest (for the pic above) and I won! Yes, that's right, ladies and gents, I took home the big prize. Thanks to Dave for yet another fine caption contest. Seriously. I'm not just kissing ass here. I mean, as far as caption contests go, his is the best I've ever seen. That's the truth.

In case you don't know, that's Natalie Portman, actress extraordinaire and Harvard grad, who played prof for a day at Columbia University. Dave took the liberty to add the student comments, which ultimately inspired my winning caption entry.

And the prize winning caption is...
"Um, none of you could get or bang me. Now, can we please talk about terrorism and try to forget I was in Star Wars for five seconds?"

1 comment:

Christie said...

A $10 iTunes gift certificate. Woohoo!