Tuesday, March 28, 2006

House & Shows I Hate

There are a few shows Darr and I agree are worth watching and Fox's House is one of them. So, it's Tuesday night and our butts are parked on the couch and we're partaking of this most fantabulous show.

Here's a list of shows I absolutely hate.

1. All shows on PAX - "family-friendly" programming makes me ill

2. Most shows on Lifetime - for being a network geared for women there are a surprising number of flicks that portray women as victims who just need the right man to fix whatever ails them

3. 7th Heaven - the Camdens are fucking annoying

4. The OC - horrible trying-to-be-90210-but-failing-miserably show with no good looking characters. And Peter Gallagher's eyebrows are still way out of control

5. Gilmore Girls - I don't care about any of you. Quit your bitching, embrace your rich roots, and move foward

6. Reba - because Reba's in it. I've had enough - pick a talent and stick with it. Don't go forth and multiply thy talents

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