Sunday, March 12, 2006

Making a Tired Dog

We discovered a new way to tire the dog yesterday when I got off work from my Sunday job. Here’s how it works:

I am in the car driving slowly.
Darren and Beauty the wonder dog are outside on the sidewalk running alongside the car.
I am shouting things like: “Good girl!” and “Hi Beauty!” as we go along.
Darr is running to beat hell as each encouraging word the dog hears produces a new burst of speed.
I am laughing as Darr stumbles, racing to keep up on uneven terrain.
Beauty the wonder dog is smiling, her running smooth and effortless.
We are traveling at approximately 10 miles per hour.

Note: Two humans must be present when using this method. One of them must be running with the dog outside of the vehicle. Do not tie your dog directly to the car.

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