Sunday, March 12, 2006

Shamrock Run 2006

Woohoo - our first race of the season! Darr and I woke up super early this morning, took Beauty the wonder dog outside for a brief potty walk, and headed downtown to participate in the Shamrock Run. It was early but we made it in time to grab our tee-shirts and race numbers before the race began. There were gobs of people and the cutest Irish Setters with little green hats on (unfortunately, I didn't think about taking a photo of 'em until it was too late) but the weather was not fantastic. We finished quickly, I had to teach Darr the race method of bobbing and weaving through the crowd to get out in front, and then walked up to the Red Star Tavern and Roast for breakfast. Yum, beignets!

I noticed an odd thing while walking. I apologize for the blurry nature of this photo but as we were in the midst of the race it seemed impolite to stop to aim and shoot. Anyway, these ladies were walking and the curious bumps on their behinds attracted my attention - and not in a good way. These were not odd-shaped asses but water bottles strapped on to fanny pack belt contraptions that were hidden under their jackets. This is not a good look, people, don't do this.

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