Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Gospel Has Landed-An Introduction

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has arrived! Thankfully I just finished the other book I was reading so I can give the Gospel the full attention it deserves. Originally I thought I would give a thorough explanation of each chapter as I finished them but I see now that two things would result from this type of examination - 1) I would be blogging all the time as the chapters are fairly small, and 2) this would give away a great deal of the text, thereby negating the need to read it for yourself. Instead, I'll try and record what I think of as I read the text, things that come to light as a result of diving into the Gospel. With that in mind, let me begin with this quote about the Gospel from the prophet himself, Bobby Henderson.

"This is a book that will stand up to any of the others--at least in terms of strict plausability if not literary finesse and retributive beheadings and disembowelments."

Oh, and for those that don't understand, here's some information on the word "theory" as there seems to be some misunderstanding. You see, how we (the general public) use the word is different than how the scientific community uses the word. Here's an explanation from Wikipedia: "In scientific terminology however, a theory is a model of the world (or some portion of it) from which falsifiable predictions can be generated and tested through controlled experiments, or be verified through empirical observation. In this scientific sense, "facts" exist only as parts of theories – they are things, or relationships between things, that theories must take for granted in order to make predictions, or that theories predict. In other words, for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not stand in opposition, but rather exist in a reciprocal relationship – for example, it is a "fact" that every apple ever dropped on earth (under normal, controlled conditions) has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet in a straight line, and the "theory" which explains these observations is the current theory of gravitation."

What do I hope you take from this little nugget of learning? Just this, that scientific theories are not mere guesses.

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