Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Nice Day for a Swim

On Sunday, Darr and I took Beauty the wonder dog out for her morning walk. Whenever our journeys take us down by the river Beaut is eager to find reasons to go into the water, but only as far as she is able to and still have her paws firmly planted on the ground. I had on occasion pointed out other swim-happy pups to Beaut but she only stood there glancing at whichever dog happened to be frolicking in the water before looking at Darr and I, then back at the dog, me and Darr, dog, and so on. This Sunday was different. I'm not sure if it was the presence of her park friends, Mouse and Shadow, or the addition of a third encouraging person, Mouse's human, but after a particularly bad throw, Beauty the wonder dog took a leap of faith and splished-splashed her way to retrieve the bobbing ball. It was hysterical. So of course we lobbed the ball out into the water immediately after she returned to shore. Throw, retrieve, repeat.

Today, Beauty the wonder dog and I trekked to the river after work for swimming lesson number two. Her initial takeoff is still a little clumsy with front paws going all over the place but she's great once she remembers how it all works underwater.

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