Saturday, August 12, 2006

Grey's Anatomy girls day & more

Sara, the Noodle (i.e., Alexandra), Tanya, and Ann came over this afternoon for a late lunch and some good old fashioned t.v. viewing. An afternoon of baby holding and watching Dr. McDreamy is a good thing, let me assure you. Tan, Ann, and I did our best to share the little bundle, who was hardly fussy at all. Alexandra spent most of her time making the cutest of baby noises and sleeping peacefully while she was passed from one pair of waiting arms to the next. I thought it best to post a couple of the digital photos from our day since it is fun to have your picture taken with a baby.
Ann and the Noodle

Tan and the Noodle

Darr and the Noodle

Mom sans Noodle

The Noodle looking at me. The grainy texture of the photo is from the auto correction in iPhoto because I didn't use a flash.

After the girls left, Darr and I went for a very short kayak journey on the river. The sea was angry, my friends. Holy crap, were we ever getting tossed around, having to paddle hard to keep from getting pushed back to our starting point. I think the highlight <insert sarcasm here> of our time out on the river was the naked lady we saw unexpectedly pop out of the forest along our route. No joke. Naked lady. She scampered off before we passed by again on our way home. Thank God.

We lugged the kayaks up to the garage, had a bite to eat (that we snagged from the folks throwing a party on the common patio of the condominiums), and hopped in the car with Beauty the wonder dog (Btwd) to hit R.E.I. and walk around the Pearl and NW. It was a fantastic evening filled with shopping (for Christmas), cupcakes (from Saint Cupcake), a fountain and park, treats for Btwd from strangers, and a car ride home. I think I've almost got Darren convinced we should sell our place, buy some property far out in the wilderness (e.g., Canby) and buy a trailer to live in nature - so we can have a McLife like McDreamy.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Prata said...

an angry sea and a nekkid lady making a ghostly appearance. Sounds like a Grimm tale!