Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Goodbye sweet unemployment

Tomorrow I start my contract job working on an online help conversion project. While I don't expect this to be a wildly exciting employment phase of my life, I'm actually eager to do something productive that will bring in an income and be a good notch to add to the old resume. The people are so cool at this place they hired me even though I'm leaving less than a week after my start date for a thirteen day romp around Europe. You have to appreciate that kind of flexibility. Plus, once the project is underway my boss said I could work from home, thereby ending the miserable commute to Beaverton. I've got a few other solo projects I'm working on -- web site construction is great fun thanks to the folks at Freeway Express (our site is in their gallery!)-- so between those projects, the contract job, my possible internship and general life stuff I should be busy until the holidays. Thank God my Christmas shopping is almost done.

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