Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Project web site renovation

Earlier this year I hired an artist, who is totally and amazingly awesome - Kevin has wicked talent, and we were able to connect yesterday and resume talks on the icon artwork needed for our web site renovation. I "borrowed" the icons that are currently up there. This was done to save you all from having to look at crap I attempted to sketch, the display of which would have assuredly caused you to gag reflexively and look away silently screaming "The horror! The horror!"*. So, he sent over some concept art for my review. I have my favorites but am certainly open to comments, suggestions, etc. Just be nice because if you say something derogatory about my artist I might have to break out the can of whup-ass. And you don't want that.
*Be the first person to e-mail me or comment on the blog with the book source for this phrase and win a $10 gift certificate to iTunes.


Anonymous said...

Apocalypse Now!

Anonymous said...

As for opinions, I think I like the second set the best but maybe use "Sophie" instead of "The Ride"
The first one is cool too. I like the Cats & Dog graphic on the first one - could that be done with the square background of the second one?
Overall I think they're all pretty darn cool.

Anonymous said...

Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad

Christie said...

Um, no. Not Apocalypse Now. But thanks for playing. :)

Christie said...

Jen won the contest when she submitted the correct answer (The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad) at 11:30am. The iTunes gift certificate is in route. :)