Sunday, April 22, 2007

News: Holy crap, we're expecting!

There's a baby coming. The news sort of shocked us too, even though we knew we were trying. For some reason we were under the impression that it would take - at a minimum - six to nine months for us to get pregnant. That wasn't the case for us. So now, we have successfully completed our first trimester and are telling our family and friends the news. Following are answers to the most common questions posed to us by people learning the news:
  1. Do you know the gender of the baby yet? No. We won't know for another three to five weeks, assuming the Resident Alien (R.A.*) is cooperative on the day of the ultrasound.
  2. Why did you wait to tell people? A surprising number of pregnancies end in miscarriage during the first 14 weeks. In order to avoid the possibility of having to make awkward and uncomfortable phone calls during what would surely be a difficult time, we made the decision to wait until the first trimester was over and the significant danger was reduced before telling folks.
  3. What about law school? Thankfully, I was able to obtain a deferment from the school. I will be able to start in Fall 2008.
  4. Is that why Darren got a new job? The baby was the impetus for Darren to get a new job now.
  5. Is that why you are looking to move? No. We are more than happy to stay in Sellwood. We're looking to move so I can be closer to school. An almost 2-hour commute to and from school every day would drastically reduce the amount of time available to spend with the baby and to study.
  6. Have you had any strange food cravings? Not really, although I've certainly craved certain foods. I went through a spinach phase, an orange phase, and have consumed an inordinate amount of chicken noodle soup.
  7. Aren't you scared this will change everything? Yes.
  8. Do you have morning sickness? I've had it three times but have felt nauseous a lot.
  9. When's the due date? 14 October. We're adding a Libra to the Aries - Sagittarius mix.
*A.k.a. parasite, the baby, it. These should be considered affectionate nicknames for our baby-to-be so don't write us about how aghast you are that we would refer to our unborn child in this manner.


Noir said...

Holy crap! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Any thoughts on potential names? Are you the type who wants to give your children unusual names?

Skip Angel said...

Congrats, that's wonderful news!

Christie said...

Noir - Holy crap, I say! ;)

Skip - Thanks, we're pretty excited.

Betty - There is one unusual name on the girl list we've got going but the rest of the names are classic names, including Henry, which we like for a boy.

Elizabeth Prata said...

Egad! You're growing a human! :)

All the best to you and Darr, happy joyful rejoicing here.