Tuesday, April 17, 2007

PLIK 2007

Last year I knew a gazillion pregnant ladies and this year is shaping up to be more of the same. So I'm opening up PLIK (Pregnant Ladies I Know) for 2007 and am happy to report that the two current members are my best friend's sisters Melissa (Mo) and Kassie, who I have known forever. Heck, I can remember when Mo was born. And now both girls are on their way to motherhood.

On Saturday, I attended the first of what I expect will be many baby showers this year. The food was tasty and plentiful, there were a number of available drinks - both of the alcoholic and non-alcoholic variety, and presents galore for mom- and baby-to-be. The diaper game, where chocolate candy bars are melted and then passed around for the group to identify was pretty nasty, particularly when folks dipped their fingers into the pile of melted goo for a taste - gross. But at least they didn't play that totally mean and awful "let's guess how big mom's belly is by measuring out yards and yards of string" game.

Tan, Laura, me, and Ann (Photo courtesy of Tan)

1 comment:

Steenhuis Clan Member said...

there does seem to be another jump in PLIK too. Quite a few due in October...