Sunday, November 04, 2007


It started at the hospital, where the staff referred to Henry as "fuss bucket" and "peanut" and has carried over into our home, where we refer to him with one of the following:

lil' man

and my personal favorite

Snarfalarfagus |snarf-ah-larf-ah-gus|
This is the name we came up with to use when he breaks out the hunger snort, as in "Here comes the Snarfalarfagus again! The Snarfalarfagus is hungry!"


Cathy said...

Okay. I'm amazed you can remember them all. I call Liam many things besides his name and cannot for the life of me think of any right now. Except for crabby Abby - but I haven't used that one in a few weeks....I'll have to pay closer attention to what's coming out of my mouth!

Anonymous said...

I love bean, a lil man...of course. The look on Christie's face when she calls him "bean"...priceless :)

Steenhuis Clan Member said...

funny we had a similar name for Alexandra: snuffleupagus (our other frequent use name is captain destructo)

Anonymous said...

LOL... Snarfalarfagus is a perfect nickname for Henry!! He is certainly a voratious eater!

I don't remember what the staff called Gavin during his stay, but I do remember someone saying something to the effect of "look at his cute little butt" (as this was the first thing they saw - him being breech) as they were removing him from my womb. Since then, he has had many nicknames: Butthead (another play on him being breech when he's being less then perfect), Bub, Buddy, Munch (short for Munchkin), and my favorite term of endearment for him... Bum. Is it just me, or does it seem that we both use several names that start with "B"? Interesting...

Christie said...

It does appear there are a high number of "b" nicknames. I can't say I know why.