Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tom Sawyer is my homeboy

Today we had our first play date with Ashleigh and Erin at Via Delizia in the Pearl. I use the term "play date" loosely as the two yutes do little more than the most basic of human functions. Both babies behaved fabulously, napping, eating, and quietly hanging out with their moms in a completely restaurant-appropriate manner.

The location was chosen for its dessert possibilities and did not disappoint. For me, hot chocolate and Mt. Vesuvius (chocolatey chocolateness). For Ashleigh, a mocha and gelato. Probably I'll have to go back a few more times and try a few more things on the menu before I can accurately rate the desserts.

Since my day is normally spent speaking baby to Henry, exclaiming with great delight over the ordinary things in our home - as in "Look Henry! A picture frame! My goodness! You can put a picture in there. That's what you do with a picture frame. Isn't that neat?!" - it was quite a treat to get out and chat with another adult. We even made our way to such topics as universal health care and the upcoming elections. Plans have already been made to get together soon.

On a side note, I located a new kick ass toy store down the street from the café called Green Frog Toys. I spent some time checking out the goods after lunch but will have to go back when Darr is available to join me so I don't overspend. (As if that would ever happen, right?) Oh, and I finally found a piece of flair for H. Finn's diaper bag (pictured below).

1 comment:

Svetla said...

Via Delizia ... yummy ... try the Apple tart and the Gelato & port - both were very tasty. The tiramisu disappointed us but the rest was deliZious! :-)