Saturday, December 15, 2007

Premier dîner - Amis avec des bébés

Table elements
Tonight we hosted our first dinner with friends since Henry's arrival. We didn't burn down the house (although we did trip the alarm - dang rosemary) and our guests didn't run screaming from our condo so we're feeling pretty good, like we are sort of learning how to do this whole parenting gig. Our menu - tomato & prosciutto tart, ribollita (cavolo nero and borlotti bean soup), roast pork with cauliflower and asparagus, and molten lava cakes with vanilla ice cream. Many, many, many thanks to Ashleigh for volunteering to bring the most fantastic of chocolate desserts - pure chocolatey goodness.

Erin and Henry performed splendidly, both being the super cute genius babies that they are. What we learned? We've got to get a move on securing Henry a spot in daycare soon before it's too late. Note to self: Call facility on Monday to get our names on whatever waiting list may exist. Be prepared to offer bribe if necessary. Certainly, we don't mean to imply that anything untoward happened between the two youngsters but, um, well, Erin did leave wearing Henry's onesie. That's all I'm saying.

We don't know if Henry was just overwhelmed by having to work at being charming all evening or if he's beginning to learn how bedtime works but by 11:00p.m., he was asleep - by himself! - in our bed. He stayed asleep when we joined him around 1:00a.m., and didn't wake up until 3:15a.m. The reason I'm able to type all of this is because Henry has had the good sense after feeding to go back to sleep. Erin has our blessing to return at any time. Oh, and her parents can come, too. It is nice to sprinkle adult conversation into our normal litany of baby observations.

Of course, there were pictures...
Little Miss Erin Beatrix
Monsieur Henri
Erin, Ashleigh, Henry, & Darr (minus half a head - Sorry Darr.)
Erin and Brian
Henry and Darr


Anonymous said...

Nice callouts in that pic of the dinner table. What program did you use for that?
(It's the Tech Writer in me asking).

Happy Holidays, by the way.

Christie said...


How the hell are you? Okay, so, you're going to laugh but I use iWeb. I create a new, blank page, drag the photo in, increase the size, then add the text, using the Inspector to change the font and font color. There are tools at the bottom of the window that have things like shapes (where the arrow comes from). You can use the Inspector to change the color of that as well. Then, I use the application Grab to select the photo with the changes, save it to the desktop (auto-saves as a tiff), drag it to the app Preview, save it as a jpg and phew - I'm done. It's almost too easy.

We just recently bought Photoshop Elements but I haven't had time to figure out how to do things with it yet. I need a good book to learn me the tricks. :)

Happy holidays to you, too. Nice to hear from you again. My best to Oni.


Steenhuis Clan Member said...

Wow, Darren is so clean shaven. Is he interviewing for a new job?? :)

Christie said...

No, he tried out the Vital Barbershop place. That is one close shave.

Dr. A said...

Lil' E slept like a champ that night too! Whatever the reason, wish we could bottle it and sell it. Wait... maybe it already is bottled and sold under the name "ice wine"?

Cathy said...

This is gonna sound crazy -
I Want a Baby!
Those pictures of those new babes make me want to have another...

Congrats on the dinner!

Christie said...


Doesn't sound crazy at all. :) I wish they stayed babies for a touch longer. H. is already growing so big I had to take his first batch of used clothing to the consignment shop. By the way, how do you choose which items to keep and what to donate/sell/etc.? I don't want to go overboard either way and end up with way too much or way too little in storage.