Friday, December 14, 2007

I baby, therefore I Mac

Our friends over at McMiller PDX just bought themselves a shiny new iMac and we couldn't be happier. I'm all about Mac proliferation. Shortly after Leopard was released (you can read about the wonderfulness that is Leopard here and here and here and, oh yeah, here too), Darr and I wrapped up H. "You can call me Huck" Finn Gilroy and hit Apple to get Darr a MacBook Pro. (I am currently using a MacBook - matte black. You can call her Molly.) The new computer, currently untitled, doubles as a work computer for Darr and a family computer for, well, the family, although I have yet to sit down and play with it.

Anyway, as far as I can tell, and even during those times when I'm frustrated with my Mac, usually because it is too smart and clever for me, all peoples should buy Macs. Check out the new holiday commercial (just when I thought these commercials were getting old and rather mean, poor PCs). And see below for an example of the simple fun to be had on a Mac.
Brought to you by Apple's Photo Booth.


Dr. A said...

AHHH!!!! Crazy balloon-head people!!!!

Why do we feel compelled to name our computers? We don't name our coffee pots or televisions, although both afford us a high level of comfort and satisfaction as do computers. It is so that when they frustrate us with their quirky, digital ways we can admonish them appropriately? We have yet to christen our newest family addition, however we are open to suggestions.

Dr. A said...

Oh, and when, exactly, do you sleep?

Christie said...

I try to snag some sleep when I can, like when I'm driving or operating heavy machinery.

Cathy said...

I've tried to view that commercial both at work and now at home. Both times an "error" occurs and the window is closed. Maybe these PCs just don't want to listen to another one of those commercials.

Christie said...

That's funny. I tried the link again using both Firefox and Safari and it takes me to the ads page and then I click on Santa Claus and it plays. The PC man must be inside your computer working his Mac-hating magic. :)