Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dreams of a sleep-deprived mom

The other night I woke up from this beauty...
I'm driving down the highway with Henry in the backseat. It's dusk. There is a lot of traffic but not so much that we aren't all still able to travel at fairly high speeds (i.e. a minimum of fifteen miles per hour above the posted speed limit). I'm driving. I'm driving. I'm driving. Then I straddle two lanes. I don't know if I'm actually changing lanes to take an approaching exit or not. All of a sudden my tires hit the ruts and I'm thrown into a tailspin. In a second the car is turned so that I am perpendicular to the vehicles traveling behind me. There is a gigantic semi-truck coming. It crashes into me. The car crumples under the impact. Everything goes black.
This is when I wake up. It is the last dream I had when I did manage to catch more than a four-hour stretch of sleep, which isn't happening often. (Methinks the boy is going through a growth spurt and/or teething.) Well, there was one weird dream when an unstoppable cyborg assassin is sent by a race of artificially intelligent computer-controlled machines bent on the extermination of mankind to track down and kill future teenage Henry who is going to start a resistance against the machines but that particular dream most likely stems from my viewing of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles shortly before bedtime while nursing Henry to sleep.


Dr. A said...

Classic sleep-depravation dream.
It hadn't occurred to me that sleep has not lasted for more than 4 hour stretches for sometime now. Guess it's true one gets used to it.... nah. I used to remember 2-3 dreams/night. Now I can hold onto the dreams for about an hour, then they're gone. I think I miss that more than uninterrupted sleep. (unless they're dreams like yours!)

Cathy said...

Oh man. I do not miss those sleep deprived dreams - they always seem so vivid and real.

Avery said...

Ugh... I hate dreams like that. Now that I'm starting to finally get a little more sleep at a time, I've been having crazy, disturbing dreams... and finding it painfully difficult to wake up. It's inhumane to go so many months without some good nights' sleep! But don't worry, you only have maybe 2... or 3 YEARS left before you should start sleeping well again. Unless you throw a sibling into the mix of course. :)