Friday, February 01, 2008

Gambling at the condo

We're really more excited about Super Tuesday than the Super Bowl but this does not stop us from betting on the game. $30. Darr's pick, the New England Patriots. My pic, the New York Giants. I found a site online that has all this betting information (shown below) but it doesn't make a lick of sense to me and, frankly, I don't care. I just can't wait to see Darr's expression when he has to hand over the money because he LOST. Um, minus the $10 from the last bet I got him to go along with that I lost and haven't paid him for, which really might explain why he doesn't like to bet with me.


Jen said...

any particular reason you're going for the Giants, instead of the Patriots? Just to make it interesting :)?

....because despite the fact that everybody on TV seems to have jumped on the Giants bandwagon, the Patriots are probably going to mop the floor with them :P

Christie said...

Darr had first pick. From what he tells me the Patriots have a perfect season or something so they are favored to win. I didn't realize there was a bandwagon but it's too late for me to jump off now.

I grew up liking the Steelers (my dad's favorite team) and the Dolphins because I liked their mascot. :)