Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mike said what?

Darr e-mailed me this Mike Gravel gem yesterday. He said this last Sunday while talking to students.
"I'm sure a lot of you have tripped out on alcohol. It's a lot safer to do it on marijuana."
At least his message is consistent. Back in May he said the following:
"Go get yourself a fifth of Scotch or a fifth of gin and chug-a-lug it down and you'll find you lose your senses a lot faster than you would smoking some marijuana."
The dude has a point.


B. E. Busby said...

Good Lord -- I hope nobody takes the "chug a fifth" seriously. You'd likely end up dead as a doornail trying this experiment.

Wait 'til 2L, Christie and suddenly statements like this will cause your ears to do the Beauty-like number when the food bin gets opened.

Dan said...

Hey, maybe that is why Mike came up as my #1 choice in the President quiz? I think he is missing the point. Chugging the fifth of whisky, while high, is even better. He doesn't dream big enough! No presidential vote for you. Square.

Noir said...

I've never "tripped out" on alcohol. Talk about a veiled attempt to seem prudish. I wonder what his assessment regarding mushrooms would be? No, Mike, you can't get drunk on shrooms, kthxbye.